I've been having problems coming up with anything to post lately. It's not been for lack of experiences worth sharing; it's been a long, busy summer and lots has gone on. I think the problem has to do with my camera. Or lack thereof. Back in May, I misplaced my battery charger and I've been cameraless since then. And I hadn't realized until this happened just how visual I really am, how much I depend on my camera to capture the amazingness around me, and how I often use those pictures to inspire me to share here, later.
The charger is still in a black hole, but after spending a little time digging up inspiring things on the internet and reading an open, honest letter from a friend I really relate to, I feel filled up with stuff and somewhat desperate to post something. So here we are.
Autumn's coming. My room's a mess and my life feels, all at once, like it's full of potential and like it's on pause. Everything feels like it's waiting to be done but I'm never going to get to it, never going to catch up. And by everything, I do mean boring crap like hauling all the extraneous things out of my closet, but I also mean important things like taking that trip and calling that person and trying to write that story.
Yet despite all that, I do still feel happy. Thank goodness for cats and people you can really talk with.
Anybody else feel this way?
While floating about online earlier, I found a favourite song of mine from before college. Summer's over, so listening to it now kind of jives with how I'm feeling. I've missed my chance for a summer's day on the road now, but at the same time my whole life's ahead of me.
There's no video, but the song should still play.