Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Day of School

When I woke up this morning, the first thing I was aware of was that it felt like fall. I was cozy under the blankets; the sky was grey and the light a little gloomy, and the air coming in the open window was cool and fresh and almost crisp. And there was something about it that smelled of Autumn. It wasn't that earthy, dead leaf rot smell you get when fall is in full swing, that's not here yet. What it was is too subtle to pick out exactly, but it made me feel the way I always felt on the first day of school. Like fresh paper and new beginnings and a mind still optimistic to the possibilities the year might offer.

And it was awfully nice too; lately, as summer draws to a close, I've been feeling my busy time for art ending. It's not that winter makes it harder for me to design and create. If anything, it's easier....I'm called into work less, I have fewer hours, I'm less tempted by the sunshine and flowers that live on the other side of the window glass. Friends don't want to go out swimming or eating ice cream or even dancing nearly so much, so I'm not tempted to join them. Instead, everyone hibernates a bit more, doing their own thing in the coziness of the house, and it's an atmosphere far more conducive to me actually getting work done.

I guess the change I was anticipating was more about the drive I've felt because of summer. So many people see summer as lazy days and good times, but here it's the busiest time of year. Work is busy, the streets are crowded, there are shows and events and plans going on nearly all the time. The hectic pace makes working seem that much more urgent, and as things slow down with fall approaching, I guess I was worried I might slow down too. But the air this morning told me different. As it does every year, that fresh start autumn smell has instead given me new motivation to get moving. The air is fresh, the sun is out, the day is early and stretched out before me. Time to go out and take some pictures.

1 comment:

Fiona said...

I knew this would be the PERFECT thing for you! I can't wait to read more...