Monday, January 26, 2009

Note Collection

Here's a little something you might like.

I was scoping out a few of my favourite sites and admiring the awesome collection of notes they feature. Little handwritten notes, computer print offs, photographs....mean notes, love notes, juicy notes, funny notes. There's a lot of personal communication out there that gets lost and ends up being not-so-private.

I've been collecting notes like that myself since mid 2004. I was living in the west end of Oakville and I happened upon two or three notes, one after another, just laying on the sidewalk. I love wondering about the people who write these notes, imagining the circumstances that surround each note's creation. I found quite a few little gems during my college years and after; as such, my collection is quite extensive. Sad thing is, it's all glued into a scrap book in my room, sitting of the shelf, viewed by no one.

I was inspired tonight to put some of them up online where they could be viewed and enjoyed by many (or at least a few). So check out the link and enjoy.

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